Thursday, November 5, 2015

Cass Gilbert -vs- Clarence Johnston

Cass Gilbert 1907.jpg

Cass Gilbert and Clarence Johnston are both famous architects in Minnesota, especially the St. Paul area. Johnston and Gilbert were childhood friends. They attended MIT together and each set up their own practice in Saint Paul. While the latter half of Gilbert's career was centered in New York, Johnston continued practicing in Minnesota and created 3500 buildings.

On the other hand, Clarence Johnston is known as the most unknown yet well-known man in the whole state of Minnesota when it comes to his architecture. He was one of Minnesota's most prolific Gilded Age architects. He left a legacy unmatched in Minnesota. He not only designed scores of mansions and stately houses,but has done dozens of academic buildings, churches, schools, sports palaces, prisons, hospitals, and asylums. Johnston is best know for his beautiful homes. There was no such thing, however, as a Clarence Johnston style; he composed in great variety. It is hard to identify his houses because he would compromise so much on the design element. This is one of the biggest differences between Johnston and Gilbert.
Cass Gilbert was so influential that he has a organization that is dedicated to researching and discovering new ways of how he contributed to  America's architecture. This organization is known as the Cass Gilbert Society. In the case of Gilbert his style was very transcendent which was a switch from his narrow minded view of the world. His buildings were works of art when it came to composition as well as being incredibly fresh and new. Gilbert, like many other architects at the time were very eclectic along with being far more inventive than the modernists gave them credit for being. They had only rarely copied historical precedent directly. If they did it was more of picking and choosing what they wanted. Some of his most famous buildings include the Woolworth building as well as the Untied States Supreme Court Building. These public buildings of his were in the style known as the Beaux Arts. This reflected the optimism of America. 

Both men are great architects with eyes of either pleasing themselves but staying within their preferred style or wanting to please the client. Gilbert and Johnston are very skilled and talented men and by witnessing their work on Summit Ave it is obvious as to why they are such well respected members of their field.

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